Your personal insurance protects your assets such as your home, car and personal belongings as well as yourself and your family. The insurance market has seen many changes over the last few years. Multiple carriers have implemented rate changes affecting insurance cost. Other variables have impacted insurance coverage including the rising cost of repairs such as lumber for a home or auto parts for a car. With these developments it is recommended to re-evaluate your personal insurance to confirm you are protected with appropriate coverage at a competitive price.
At Atlas we are happy to provide a no-obligation INSURANCE ANALYSIS to be your advocate helping you know what you don’t know when it comes to protecting yourself and your assets. The INSURANCE ANALYSIS consists of a three part process to provide professional insurance advice when it comes to:
- Reviewing your current policy highlighting strengths and vulnerabilities
- Providing a comparison proposal to illustrate how your insurance compares to the market
- Unbiased recommendation whether you should keep your current insurance or consider a change
The Atlas INSURANCE ANALYSIS is meant to provide informational value to each person and is not meant to be a sales pitch. At Atlas Insurance, we are a local company that has been helping clients navigate life since 1929. Please contact us for your personalized INSURANCE ANALYSIS today!